Community Science Exchange

The Hub

A multimedia resource center for anyone who does or is interested in community science to share their work, offer their insight and learn from others.

Contribute to the Hub!

Submit a project, resource or other creative contribution.

Community Science Exchange

The Hub

A multimedia resource center for anyone who does or is interested in community science to share their work, offer their insight and learn from others.

Contribute to the Hub!

Submit a project, resource, or article.


An editor-vetted and curated collection of resources

about all aspects of community science.


Project descriptions and case studies that

illustrate community science at work.

What's the Hub?

The Hub is a space where anyone working in community science can share their work, offer their insights, learn from others and find people with similar interests in this growing field. In addition to stand-alone materials, the Hub invites Community Science authors and other journal authors to submit complementary materials that deepen understanding of their work.

Hub contributors and users are community leaders and stakeholders looking for science to support  solutions for environmental and climate related problems; science researchers and students learning to practice community science; community science and environmental activists; and policymakers using science for decision-making at all levels.

The Hub includes resources for doing community science and project descriptions or case studies that illustrate community science at work.


Contribute to the Hub

Materials submitted to the Hub can be in a variety of formats: written, graphic, audio, video, web-based or multimedia. Submissions can include links to material on the internet, with an explanation of the importance and use of those links.

About Us

The Community Science Exchange is a platform led by a coalition of partner societies, launched for elevating, sharing, and expanding the reach of science performed by, for, and with communities.