Peer Reviewed Journal


An open access Wiley journal featuring an equitable collaboration of science aimed at outcomes for the benefit of communities.

Community Science Journal

Submissions welcome!

Peer Reviewed Journal


An open access Wiley journal featuring an equitable collaboration of science aimed at outcomes for the benefit of communities.

Community Science Journal

Submissions welcome!


Community Science

Community Science is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes articles on community science, articles that describe the results of community science, and articles that present scientific findings that are useful for community science. “Community science” refers to transdisciplinary science including social and public health science that is conducted in partnership with communities and is intended to address community challenges while contributing to scientific theory and methodology.

Community Science encourages contributions across scientific disciplines and is particularly interested in work that is relevant to or the product of multiple disciplines. Submissions should generally speak to more than one scientific discipline or build bridges from a single scientific discipline toward multiple scientific disciplines.

All contributions to Community Science should include a community perspective or respond to well-demonstrated community priority and explain the benefits of the study to that community. We strongly encourage contributions authored by or with community leaders and community members. The work represented must have been ethically conducted without any conflict of interest or negative impacts on the community.